So these pictures are a little old, but I figured that late is better than never, so today I'll feature our little excursion to Hubert Lake. Last week when the youth group from PA was here, they left us (Kasey, Kris, and me) to spend a couple nights up river. We were given nearly 3 days to ourself, which was mostly filled with cleaning, baking, catching up on emails, and getting in some R&R. Since we has such and extended time to ourselves however, we decided that we should take some time and hike up to Hubert Lake, a lake right along the train tracks about 3 miles up from base camp. Here are some pics:
On our way to Lake Hubert we took the 4 wheeler trail which loosely followed the power lines and took us over hill and dale. We did get to walk through some pretty country though.
This is from the top of one of the hills, you can see over to the left is Mt Sinai.
And this is lake Hubert, you can see the train tracks run right by it. We sat on the dock you can see in the corner and soaked our feet while we ate our lunch. What a relaxing time.
On our way back we took the train tracks, which is actually a pretty hike... and there are no hills. We got to pass several rock cuts like this. It makes me glad I wasn't the one who had to build the rail way!
Also on our way back along the tracks we found some wild strawberries. The were very tedious to pick and we didn't get much, but I did take a cup of them and made strawberry cupcakes that were delicious. Too bad we ate them all before I got a picture.
So that was our hike, not bad for three wilderness girls. We also got to see the train up close and personal when we were picking strawberries, which made Kasey's day. Now we just need to convince every group to spend two nights up river!
On another note, my prayer request for those of you praying for CA this summer isn't directly related to camp this time. A 13 year old boy, Nate Cook, who has been up to work at CA a few times and is pretty well known by our CA staff was severely burned in an accidental explosion over a week ago. He is currently in the hospital in Madison WI and has burns on 54% of his body. Prayers for him and his family are GREATLY appreciated as they tackle the road to recovery. Quite honestly it is a miracle his is alive so we are counting our blessings, but every bit of support helps. God is good... ALL the time.