Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Crazy Water Levels

If you think that the delay in warm weather this spring was bad here, just be glad you weren't spending the winter season up at Canadian Adventure. It stayed so cold so long up north this year that the NBI student trip to open up the camp had to be canceled due to the amount of snow and the fact that the river might still be partially frozen.... in MAY!!

Since the student trip was unable to make it up this year, Steve and Troy, a maintenance guy from Silver Birch, made a quick trip up to CA to check things out before our staff heads up in a couple weeks. And a quick trip it was; going up on Monday and coming back on Tuesday, they put on over 18 hours of driving time in the overnight trip.

For those of you seasoned veterans of CA, I thought I'd share a couple pics and videos of the crazy water levels on the reservoir the guys saw while they were up north and the amount of water coming through the dam systems.

Dock and Lighthouse
 The water is right up under the lighthouse, Troy says you can even hear the water sloshing up against the floor boards. I guess it would be kind of convenient to drive the boats right up to the deck though.

Boat Landing
And as for the boat landing... well... what boat landing? it is all under water... 

Here is a video of the dam you drive across down river, it is amazing the amount of water you can see come spewing out of that thing. 

All this talk and these pictures just make me even more excited to get this summer rolling, if that is even possible. So even though Steve and Troy reported lingering snowbanks... I can't wait to get started. Only 11 days 11 hours and 41 minutes until we head up! 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Counting days

It's that time again... counting down the days till we pack up our stuff and head up to Canada. In the process off all this prepping  I thought I had best update the blog and get thing rolling here because I promise I'm going to do a better job this summer on keeping you all in the loop with our doings up north. So hold on, it is only 19 days, 10 hours and 57 min till we hit the road for this summer's Canadian Adventure.